All About Angie

Hi There!  My name is Angie Dobransky.  Well, that’s my name at my current point in life.  I have gone by different names.  As I write this, I realize I can sum up my life by the names I have had.

The Angie Brewer years – my first couple of decades:  The first couple decades are about growing into your developed body and mind.  You grow up and start the foundation of whom you will eventually become.  Along the way we all have a few bumps and scars.  I never thought I had more than most, and my guess is I had more than some and less than others.  I grew up the oldest child in a lower middle-class family in a blue-collar neighborhood.  I was always identified as a kid with potential and I appreciate all the teachers, neighbors, social programs, coaches, and opportunities who told me so and reached out a hand with opportunity.

Angie Brewer – about 1967

The Angie Funkhouser years – the next 15 years or so.:  Those years as a young adult are full of adventure.  You get to go out and leave the nest and start tasting different ways of life.  I worked my way through college and started a career in the fashion industry.  The first time I ever flew on a plane was for a business trip and that opened a whole new world for me.  We worked so hard and had so much fun, its hard to describe for those who weren’t there.  Imagine being in your 20’s and early 30’s, travelling to New York and other great cities with an expense account and a budget of millions of dollars to go out and decide what other people will wear in the next year.  The world of high fashion and big corporate business was quite an education for a girl from Wheaton.  I married at 19, bought my first house at 26, had my child at 29 and divorced at 31.  I wouldn’t change a thing.

Angie Funkhouser – about 1995

The Angie Segal years – the next 15 years or so:  I found this era to be exciting, fulfilling, terrifying and turbulent.  I raised my son, accidentally married a narcissistic addict, quit my job and started a business.  I found the early 40’s to be the peak of my life.  I never understood the term “over the hill” until I noticed at some point after age 45, I had actually started to decline.  The scary thing is you can slow it down in many ways, but you can’t fully stop the degeneration.  Once the reading glasses come on, you are doomed.  That realization was a turning point for me.  I reflected on myself in a way I have not done previously.  I lost religion.  I lost God.  I lost a few longtime friends, I went through an ugly divorce, I lost my father to the devastating illness of ALS.  I gained confidence, freedom, empathy, power, money, friends. influence and an understanding that I am here because I am supposed to bring some greatness to our society.  Again, I wouldn’t change a thing.  (truth be told, given a mulligan I would not marry that husband)

Angie Segal – about 2009

The Angie Dobransky years:  present time.    Technically, I became Angie Dobransky in 2017, but the Dobransky influence has been around since about 2008.  I think of this period as beginning once I became the crone.  All women go through 3 phases in life:  the maiden, the mother and the crone.  It was shocking for me to realize I had entered the crone phase, but so far, it’s been the best of all.  I feel as if I have reached the age where I have at my fingertips all the tools to reach my full greatness.  That excites me.  I have travelled the world, met humans of all flavors, learned from big business, learned from small business, discovered the unbridled joy of helping others to find their greatness.  I don’t know how long my final persona will exist, but I intend to make every day of it a fun filled adventure of learning, adventure, connection and influence.  It’s time to harness the magic of the universe and leave a positive influence on the world for the future souls who choose to join the world.

Angie & Ron Dobransky – on our way to Mexico 2017

How can I help you?  If you are growth oriented and on your path to achieve success and greatness and want my help, please reach out.  I offer this through my blog, my weekly business tips email, 1-1 business and executive coaching work, workshops, lectures, classes at the local community college, retreats, soft skills lessons and more.  If you a kindred soul and want to develop a working relationship of some sort, I am available for that.    You can send me an email on the contact us page, learn about my services on the book me page, or sign up for my weekly emails, or subscribe to this blog.

I look forward to having you on my journey!