The Time is Near To Make A Choice

We learn stories of heroic individuals throughout the years who have risked much to save others.  There are amazing stories of the people along the underground railroad who risked everything to help enslaved Americans find their way to freedom.  The same thing occurred during the Holocaust with families taking in and hiding their Jewish neighbors to save their lives.  These heroes had nothing material to gain from these choices, but they risked everything they had.  Have you ever considered what you would do if you were there?

Would you have taken in a slave or a neighbor to protect them?  Would you have stood up and fought against the Nazi’s like this woman? What will you do when the time comes to make a choice?

I have thought about this from time to time.  I think the answer changes depending upon your current situation.  If you have children at home, you are putting them at risk.  If you own a business or are otherwise engaged in the public eye, you risk financial ruin.  If you have a partner, you bring risk to them.  A married person with a family risks much more than a single person in many ways.  A rich person risks more financial loss than a poor person.  Each of us has a different tolerance for risk.  There is no right answer for everyone or even a right answer for most.  Every choice we make has consequences and we must decide what consequences are worth the risk.

I read today that a synagogue had to remove their Torah and exit the building from the back door out of safety concerns.  During their service, a group of white nationalists stood in a line dressed in fatigues holding long guns across the street from their front door.  A large crowd marched through the campus of the University of Virginia carrying Tiki torches (of all things!) chanting “Jew will not replace us.” In the United States of America in the year 2017 that happened.  How could that be?

That same day, in the same town another racist drove his car into a crowd of people who were standing up against those Nazis, injuring many and killing one.  The whole world was horrified and outraged.  The man who calls himself POTUS didn’t share the outrage.  He said some of the Nazis were “very fine people”.  He made up a fake hate group he named the “alt-left” and said they were bad too.  He suggested we all just learn to get along with each other and unite with these enemies.  He is clearly in alignment with the white nationalists.  He will not lead us in this fight to save humanity.

It is a fight for humanity.  We are all one people.  The idea of racial supremacy is an evil in this world and must be stamped out.  Left with no leader, we must lead ourselves.  What will you do?  How much are you willing to risk?  No matter the individual choices we can all make a difference.  Don’t waste time sitting in despair.  There are many actions you can take.  Call your representatives and tell them how you feel.  Donate money to organizations standing up for human rights.  Donate time to those organization.  Stand up and speak out every time you hear hate speech.  Run for office.  Rally and protest in the streets.  Report hate speech when you see or hear it.  Get their social media pages taken down.  Harbor your neighbor when ICE comes knocking.  Do whatever you feel comfortable with at a risk you can tolerate, but do something.

The time is now.