Welcome to My Thoughts!

I’ve spent my life “becoming”.  I am always working to become a better human, on a journey of never ending learning, exploration, and adventure.  On a deep level, I am doing my best to create a world that is just a little better off than when I found it.  This blog is intended to share my musings and inspire.  Inspire thought, occasional outrage, a sense of adventure, some new ideas, confidence and fearlessness.  Inspire everyone who stumbles across it to realize the power within in to create the magical adventure of their dreams.  Welcome aboard!  Be sure to hang on tight, you never know were this could go…

A few rules:  Please feel free to share and comment, but make those comments thoughtful and evidence based.  No name calling.  If someone points out a factual error, thank them, don’t argue with them,  Enjoy this experience.  If it makes you angry or annoys you, please just move along.  My desire is to inspire, not irritate.

What’s on Your Mind?